
Sleep no more reviews 2022
Sleep no more reviews 2022

sleep no more reviews 2022
sleep no more reviews 2022

Mark Gatiss gives her the traditional companion role of accidentally stumbling into the villain’s plan, giving us some early clues of what’s going on with the Sandmen when they discreetly hijack her vision. Clara tags along with him as usual, and she’s pretty at ease with their investigation, because after two and a half seasons, she can definitely be considered a veteran companion. But he quickly puts his foot down and asserts his own authority when he learns what has caused so much death and destruction on the space base, and just what’s at stake if it manages to escape to other worlds – he’s determined to stop the Sandmen from infecting the rest of humanity at all costs. When the Doctor and Clara get drafted into the rescue mission of some solders, the Doctor is willing to play along and let the others think they’re in charge for a while, just so he can find out what their goal is. However, it is nice to see the Doctor and Clara just spend some time together, bonding, in this episode, because they’ve been separated a lot this season, and “Sleep No More” is their last normal adventure together before the events of “ Face The Raven“. They trade a lot of snark and banter freely about the Sandmen (including what they should actually call the creatures), and as tense as their situation can get sometimes, there’s very much a sense that this adventure is just a regular day at the office for them. The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) are in a pretty laidback mood this week. In a large departure from most Doctor Who episodes, we spend the first five minutes of “Sleep No More” following the perspective of the guest characters, which allows us to see just how strange our two leads can seem from an outsider’s perspective, once they finally wander into the narrative. And in my opinion, I don’t really think it needed a sequel: I think it functions well enough as a spooky one-off adventure with a rather dark twist ending.

sleep no more reviews 2022


“Sleep No More” was supposed to have a follow-up story in Series 10 that was later scrapped in favor of “The Empress Of Mars”, a loose follow-up story to Series 7’s “ Cold War“. This episode does have a number of flaws: the found footage style of filming makes it hard to keep track of everything that’s happening onscreen, the villains of the week are not very threatening, and the ending doesn’t really have a strong enough pay-off to make up for all of its shortcomings. Some of his experiments are more successful than others, and “Sleep No More” is one of his most divisive outings that received a very mixed reception when it aired back in 2015 – some people admire it for its ambition, while other think it’s a boring slog. Something I admire about Mark’s writing style is that he always tries to tackle a different film genre in each of his episodes, and he never writes the same kind of story twice. “Sleep No More” is written by Mark Gatiss, who has returned to the series as a guest writer on an almost regular basis since Doctor Who returned in 2005. It’s also probably the adventure with the smallest sense of scale in this season, being set entirely inside a haunted space station that’s orbiting Neptune, though the ending of this episode does have some pretty large and morbid ramifications for the future history of the Doctor Who universe, which will always be left up to the audience’s imaginations.


In a season full of two-part stories (and even a three-part finale), “Sleep No More” stands out as the only forty-five minute standalone adventure of the bunch, which would otherwise be the norm in any other season of Doctor Who. “Sleep No More” is the penultimate episode of Doctor Who’s ninth season, the usual calm before the storm of the season finale.

Sleep no more reviews 2022